Sustainable Yard Application

Please complete this application to be considered for the Pearl Home Sustainable Yard program. This program is available only to homeowners in the Lynnhaven watershed.  The questions are designed to help us evaluate your site for one of the "Best Management Practices" (BMPs) available through this program. 

The BMPs provided through this program include: a 125-gallon rain barrel, a Pearl Lawn Plan (an urban nutrient management plan), a rain garden, or an infiltration trench. Each home is eligible for only one BMP.
This program is available to homes within the Lynnhaven watershed only.  Your site is not guaranteed a treatment and must be evaluated by LRNow staff during a physical site visit.  Once your site has been approved by LRNow staff, a signed contract and a copay are required to proceed with the program. LRNow staff will work with you to schedule the installation.
The copay for each BMP within this program is:
$20 for the Pearl Lawn Plan with soil tests
$100 for the Rain barrel, the Rain Garden or the Infiltration Trench

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* 1. Address

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* 2. Preferred method of contact:

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* 3. Are you the property owner?

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* 4. How did you hear about this program?

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* 5. Are you currently a Pearl Home?

Questions #6 - #15 will determine your status as a Pearl Home. Skip to question #16 if you are already a Pearl Home.

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* 6. If you are representing your student's school as part of the Pearl School program, please provide the school's complete name below. 

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* 7. Please note if you would prefer to receive a Pearl Home flag or magnet.

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* 8. My home is a(n)...

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* 9. Do you rent or own your home?

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Answer "YES" to the actions that you are consistently doing in your home and community.

  Yes I don't now, but I will start No N/A
Consistently recycle or reuse items
Use reusable grocery bags when shopping
Refuse plastic, disposable straws at restaurants
Buy secondhand goods at thrift & consignment shops
Recycle old, used electronic devices, & printer cartridges
Participate in recycling programs in addition to the municipal recycling
Buy groceries & household items in bulk packages to reduce packing & shipping materials
Reuse shipping materials when sending packages
Re-purpose packaging for storage or other household uses
Pick up litter & dispose of properly
Do not release balloons into the environment; dispose of properly

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Answer "YES" to the actions that you are consistently doing in your home and community.

  Yes I don't now, but I will start No N/A
Install programmable thermostat
Purchase energy-efficient (Energy Star) appliances
Run only full loads of laundry
Turn off lights & appliances when not in use
Unplug electronics when not in use
Replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs
Open blinds/curtains to help with heating in winter; close to help with cooling in summer
Drive fewer miles, eliminating unnecessary trips

Question Title

Answer "YES" to the actions that you are consistently doing in your home and community.

  Yes I don't now, but I will start No N/A
Plant a tree
Reduce lawn area by converting to planted, landscape beds
Get soil test results before applying fertilizer & reduce, as able
Choose native plants for landscape
Raise mower blades to 3-inches or higher to slow run-off & keep turf grass healthier
Grow vegetables, herbs or fruits
Grow house plants to improve indoor air quality
Buy locally made or grown foods and products
Buy organically grown food products
Support restaurants & growers that locally source food items

Question Title

Answer "Yes" to actions you are consistently doing in your home and community.

  Yes I don't now, but I will start No N/A
Pledge to Scoop the Poop
Display a Scoop the Poop sticker on your Virginia Beach trash can or in a building common area
Install a BMP (rain barrel, infiltration trench, rain garden, etc.) to reduce storm water runoff from your property
Sweep fertilizer off driveway, sidewalk & road
Keep gutter clear of dirt, leaves & debris so rain doesn't transport them to the storm drain
Wash car on lawn instead of driveway or use car wash that recycles water
Use non-toxic, environmentally safe, biodegradable cleaning products
Do not feed ducks & geese
Keep grease can in kitchen for proper disposal
Reduce or eliminate use of garbage disposal
Turn off water in bathroom sink while brushing teeth
Take short showers to conserve water
Run only full loads in the dishwasher
Install low-flow faucets and/or toilets

Question Title

Answer "Yes" to the actions that you are doing consistently in and around your home and community.

  Yes I don't now, but I will start No N/A
Donate to LRNow to keep Virginia Beach clean, green & resilient
Support LRNow by registering your Kroger Rewards card
Shop AmazonSmile for Lynnhaven River Now
Help with LRNow a waterway cleanup or other community cleanup efforts
Communicate with an elected official about an environmental issue
Display a LRNow Clean Boating sticker on your boat

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* 15. There are many ways to "green" your home and be kind to our local waterways. Are there any other actions you are doing that are not listed elsewhere on your Pearl Home application?

If you were not able to check 15 items, LRNow hopes that you found some new actions to implement and will try again after you have worked these into your home routine.

If you did qualify with 15 or more actions, LRNow will coordinate with you on a time and place you can pick up your flag. Congratulations on becoming a Pearl Home!

Please continue below with your Sustainable Yards application. Choose the answer that most closely describes your practices.  You are welcome to provide additional comments or explanations.

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* 16. Do you have flooding or channeling of stormwater on your property? If so, where?

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* 17. Do you have a septic system on your property? If so, where is your drain/leach field?

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* 18. Is there an oil tank on your property?

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* 19. If yes, where is the oil tank located?

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* 20. If yes, is the oil tank in use?

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* 21. If yes, is the oil tank full?

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* 22. Do you use a lawn service and/or hire an outside source for your lawn care needs?

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* 23. If yes, who do you currently use for your lawn service needs?

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* 24. Please check all that apply.

  Lawn Garden (vegetable garden, flower bed, or potted plants) Landscape Areas (shrubbery and trees)
I water on a regular schedule
I water only when the weather is very hot and very dry
I water when it has not rained for a couple of weeks
I water frequently, but for a short time
I water frequently, but for a long time
I use a sprinkler to water
I use a soaker hose to water
I water by hand with a garden hose
I water by hand with a watering can
I have an automatic sprinkler system to water
I use tap to water
I use rain water from a barrel (other collection device) to water

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* 25. Please check all that apply.

  Lawn  Garden (vegetable garden, flower bed, or potted plants) Landscaped Areas (shrubbery and trees)
I use chemical fertilizers if indicated by soil testing 
I use chemical fertilizers on a regular basis
I use "Weed & Feed" products
I use chemical fertilizers for certain plants
I do not use fertilizers
I use only organic materials (manure, compost, leaves mowed in)

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* 26. Do you (or your lawn service) take into account the weather forecast for rain in deciding when to apply fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides?

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* 27. If you have a dog, how do you clean up their feces in your yard or on walks?

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* 28. Urban landscapes have significant impact on water quality, either positive or negative.  How willing are you, on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most willing), to put some time and effort into watershed friendly landscaping?

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* 29. Please rank the following BMPs in order of which you are most to least interested in being considered for that BMP, a "1" being the BMP you are most interested, a "4" being the BMP in which you are least interested.

The copay for each  BMP available through this program is:
$20 for the Pearl Lawn Plan with soil tests
$100 for the Rain barrel, Rain Garden or Infiltration Trench

Only a certain number of each BMP is available for each contract year.

We will be contacting you about a date and time for your site visit soon. Thank you!