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* 1. Which area of WACHS do you practice in?

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* 2. Do public transport timetables and frequency (bus/train) in your area impact patient utilisation of PATS?

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* 3. Do flight timetables and frequency in your area impact patient utilisation of PATS?

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* 4. Does PATS funding adequately remunerate for travel, accommodation and patient escort?

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* 5. Do you think that current PATS eligible specialist services should be expanded? 

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* 6. Do you think PATS should be extended to cover non-specialist services (such as allied health services)?

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* 7. In your experience, would PATS for partners/support persons facilitate better utilisation of PATS for pregnant women?

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* 8. Do you think the current operation and management of PATS disadvantages any of the following:

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* 9. Please outline, in your experience, why groups you have identified above are disadvantaged by current operation and management of PATS

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* 10. Do you think you would benefit from new education resources on PATS?

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* 11. Do you have any comment or suggestions as to how PATS can be improved? Are there any gaps in the provision of PATS?