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Question Title

* 1. Thinking about the last time you used the Patient Portal; please indicate which type of user you are:

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* 2. How long have you been using the Patient Portal?

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about your use of the Patient Portal, how would you rate:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Your overall experience with using the Patient Portal
Accessibility of the information
The accuracy of the content provided to you
The Patient Portal as a reliable resource
Patient Portal meeting my care needs
My satisfaction with access to manage my own health information
The usefulness of the lab results in the format presented in the Patient Portal
The usefulness of the visit history in the format presented in the Patient Portal
The usefulness of the reports in the format presented in the Patient Portal
The usefulness of the medication tab to view medications and renew prescriptions in the format presented in the Patient Portal
The usefulness of the message tab to view and send messages to clinicians involved in your care  list with instructions in the format presented in the Patient Portal

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about your use of the Patient Portal, how would you rate:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
It was easy to register to use the Patient Portal
It was easy to log into Patient Portal with my credentials
The information on the Portal is accurate
The information on the Portal is current
The information on the Portal is easy to understand
The Patient Portal saves me time
The Patient Portal helps focus on achieving the goals of my/family member’s recovery
The Patient Portal helps in coordinating  my/family member’s care
Using Patient Portal makes it easier for me/my family member to get non urgent medical care
I would recommend using the Patient Portal to a family member or friend
I would continue to use the Patient Portal in the future

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* 5. Do you have any concerns about using the Patient Portal? If yes, please describe your concerns:

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* 6. Are there any improvements or additional information you would like to see on the Patient Portal? If yes, please describe:

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* 7. Please indicate which area you received service from at Ontario Shores in the last 6 months (check all that apply).

Thank you for participating in our survey! If you have any further feedback or questions please contact Bethany Holeschek at or 905-430-4055 ext 6623
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