This survey was created by research professionals, patient research partners (PRPs), patient organizations, and affiliated groups to help Prescription Drug Affordability Boards (PDABs) and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) capture patient-reported drug affordability/unaffordability information to be used for prescription drug affordability reviews.

By understanding many things about the disease, the drug under review, and the many factors that lead to affordability, unaffordability, and access to treatment issues, we can work with boards, CMS, and legislators to address the high costs of healthcare in ways most beneficial to the person using the drug.

NOTE: Some PDABs also consider costs to other stakeholder groups (state, payers, etc.) It is not our responsibility to capture any other data points other than patient perspectives.

Click here to learn more about PDABs.

NOTE: Information submitted on this form - NOT INCLUDING YOUR NAME/IDENTIFYING INFORMATION - will be used to report patient-reported information regarding prescription drug affordability.

*This survey is an effort led by the Patient Inclusion Council (PIC), in association with the broader Ensuring Access through Collaborative Health (EACH)/PIC coalition - a national, disease-agnostic (any disease) group of patient organizations, patients/caregivers, and allied groups who have united to ensure patient voices are counted fairly and equally as part of the discussions and processed related to drug affordability reviews.