Add to the Pathways Action Map |
1. Introduction
Thank you for helping us add the Pathways Action Map for North Carolina!
Please use this form to:
Please use this form to:
- Share information about specific Initiatives to add to the Map
- Refer us to other people leading these Initiatives to share the information
What is the Pathways Action Map?
The Pathways Action Map is an online tool that is intended to drive action. Action that ensures every child in NC is on the path to reading on grade level by the end of third grade. It does this by providing a snapshot of what’s happening in NC in more than 40 prioritized Action areas included in the Pathways Action Framework. The Framework was developed by hundreds of North Carolinians involved in the NC Pathways to Grade-Level Reading (Pathways) initiative, using a racial equity lens. Pathways is led by the NC Early Childhood Foundation (NCECF) in collaboration with our partners. Learn more about Pathways here.
The Pathways Action Map is an online tool that is intended to drive action. Action that ensures every child in NC is on the path to reading on grade level by the end of third grade. It does this by providing a snapshot of what’s happening in NC in more than 40 prioritized Action areas included in the Pathways Action Framework. The Framework was developed by hundreds of North Carolinians involved in the NC Pathways to Grade-Level Reading (Pathways) initiative, using a racial equity lens. Pathways is led by the NC Early Childhood Foundation (NCECF) in collaboration with our partners. Learn more about Pathways here.
The goals of the Action Map are to:
- Inform key stakeholders about where NC stands in prioritized Actions areas that impact grade-level reading
- Drive policy making, funding, and advocacy where it is most needed by identifying gaps and opportunities
- Advance racial equity by spotlighting the prioritized Actions and Initiatives led by people of color
- Promote collaboration by engaging diverse stakeholders in developing and using the Map
- Complement the Pathways Data Dashboard, an online tool that focuses on data measures of success
The Action Map will include Initiatives that:
- Are taking place in NC at the state or local level
- Are working to specifically address one or more of the prioritized Pathways Actions
- Provide evidence of impact or potential for future impact
- Identify a primary contact who can provide information and updates
The Map will provide a summary (i.e., Fast Facts) about each Initiative, and connect them to the Actions. In particular, the Map will feature Initiatives that use a racial equity lens. It will be released in the summer of 2021. See FAQs here and a short video overview here.
Adding an Initiative to the Action Map
If you know of an Initiative that should considered for the Map, let us know by sharing some info on the next page. You may continue completing the form, or refer us to someone else. See a list of the questions here.
If you have any questions, or would prefer to share the info by phone, contact Mary Mathew (
If you have any questions, or would prefer to share the info by phone, contact Mary Mathew (