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* 1. Which Boys & Girls Club do you attend?

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* 2. What date were you born (ex: 07/03/2005)

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. What grade are you in?

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* 5. Which of the following statements do you consider to be most true?

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* 6. Which of the following statements is most true for you?

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* 7. How much do you agree with the following statements?

  Agree Disagree Not sure
Education is important for helping me have the future I want
Taking care of my body now will help me stay healthy later in life
I see girls as equals and appreciate their talents and abilities
I respect people in authority because they have responsibility for something important
I plan to wait until the right time to become a parent. To be a good father, I have to be mature, responsible and able to take care of a family
Diversity is what makes the world an interesting and fun place to live
Part of living in community is giving back through service or volunteer work

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* 8. How often did you do the following last year?

  Never 1 or 2 times 3 or 4 times 5 or more times
Set an academic goal and work toward achieving it
Make a positive choice related to healthy eating
Make a commitment to staying physically active
Think about or explore careers I might be interested in
Resolve a conflict without anger or violence
Volunteer or participate in a community-service project
Take a leadership role at school, at the Club or in the community

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* 9. How much do you agree with the following statements?

  Agree Disagree Not sure
Becoming an adult male happens when a young man chooses to be responsible for his own life
Each of us has an individual identity - unique qualities that make us different from everyone else
Values guide our actions, helping us decide how to act in a given situation
It is important to balance energy in (foods eaten) with energy out (calories burned through activity) to maintain a healthy weight
Authority figures are often leaders who teach us something important or provide help to make things run smoothly
Empathy - standing in someone else's shoes - is a way to responds to others who are different from us
A leader does not always have to be in control; there are many different ways to lead