In this survey, LACERS is asking you to confirm whether you are currently receiving a Medicare Part B premium reimbursement, and the amount of your Medicare Part B premium, including any Part B IRMAA (please do not include any Part D IRMAA costs). Even if you don’t pay any IRMAAs currently, we still need you to complete the survey. Taking the time to do this will allow us to inform the City of the cost of increasing the reimbursement amount so that they can consider an amendment to the current benefit. LACERS can’t guarantee what the City will do regarding the reimbursement, but we can guarantee that we are always looking out for our Members!  And, of course, your answers to this survey are confidential!

Survey Completion Deadline:  November 19, 2021

Question Title

* 1. What is your "Survey Code"? 

(Your "Survey Code" is located at the bottom left corner of the survey you received in the mail.  Using this code protects your personal information.)

Question Title

* 2. Are you a retired LACERS Member currently enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, and receiving a Medicare Part B premium reimbursement? 

(Not sure?  You can refer to your monthly allowance check or direct deposit advice statement. There will be a credit for Medicare Part B Reimbursement.)

Question Title

* 3. What amount best describes your Medicare Part B premium, including any IRMAA costs (do not include Medicare Part D IRMAAs)?

(Not sure? If you receive a Social Security benefit, your Medicare Part B premium is deducted directly from it and should be listed on your Social Security statement. If not, you make Medicare Part B payments yourself and can review your bank records.)

Thank you for responding to our survey!