Question Title

* 1. I live in...

Question Title

* 2. How often do you go to Ukiah Valley area parks?

Question Title

* 3. There are enough parks in the Ukiah Valley

Question Title

* 4. Other than the impacts of the homeless I think Ukiah Valley Parks are clean and well maintained.

Question Title

* 5. When I go to a Ukiah Valley Park, I am...

  Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
by myself.
with one or a few friends.
With my family or a larger group of friends.

Question Title

* 6. When I go to a Ukiah Valley Park it is not too crowded for me to fully enjoy. There is enough room for everyone.

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* 7. I feel like Ukiah Valley Parks provide a sense of place and history.

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* 8. I feel like parks in the Ukiah Valley are safe enough for me to comfortably use.

Question Title

* 9. I don’t go to the following parks because they don’t feel safe.

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* 10. My top three favorite recreational interests are (select three)

Question Title

* 11. I am interested in taking classes or participating in sporting activities organized by the City’s Recreation Department.

Question Title

* 12. I or one of my family members have taken a City of Ukiah Recreation class or participated in a sporting event organized by the City of Ukiah’s Recreation Department.

Question Title

* 13. Now or in the future I am interested in City of Ukiah Recreation classes (Check all that apply)

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* 14. Now or in the future I am interested in participating in City sponsored individual or team sports (Check all that apply).

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* 15. I would support a special district or bond measure, even if it meant more taxes, if it supported park improvements.

Question Title

* 16. What is your gender

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* 17. What is your age?

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* 18. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)

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* 19. Do you have any disabilities that effect your use of parks

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* 20. Do you have any other thoughts or comments you would like to share?