Park Place Master Plan: Community Survey

Thank you for helping shape the vision for the Park Place community in Gwinnett County. Your feedback on this short survey will guide the recommendations within the Park Place Master Plan, which will serve as a playbook for decision-makers to influence future redevelopment and investment in the area. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Please sign up at the end of the survey to receive updates as the study progresses! The survey will remain available until January 31, 2025.
1.Park Place is special to me, because…(Required.)
2.What are some challenges you see facing the Park Place area? What do you want to improve?
3.What are some things you celebrate about the Park Place area? What do you want to protect?
4.What do you wish there was more of in this area?(Required.)
5.What types of housing would improve options and affordability for future generations?(Required.)
6.What recreation and open space features would you like to see in Park Place and the surrounding areas?(Required.)
7.What types of retail, dining, or services do you wish there were more of in this area?(Required.)
8.What transportation enhancements would make it easier to get around Park Place and connect to the surrounding areas?(Required.)
9.What destinations do you wish you could walk, bike or take public transit to?(Required.)
10.Please share a story, memory, or historical event that is meaningful to you about this area. (optional)

Your feedback on the following questions is optional but valuable. By answering, you help us track participation and ensure we hear from diverse stakeholders. Thank you!
11.What is your home zip code?
12.What race/ethnicity do you identify as? Select all that apply.
13.What is your annual household income?
14.Please provide your email to join our email list!