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* 1. Which of the following Trying Together resources have you used?

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* 2. Please provider your answer to the following questions

  Very unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very likely
How likely are you to utilize resources from Trying Together in the future?
How likely are you to recommend these resources to other parents and caregivers?
How likely are you to share resources from Trying Together with your child(ren)’s child care center or provider? 
How likely are you to share resources from Trying Together with your child(ren)’s extended family members, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, or cousins?

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* 3. What age is your child/are your children?

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* 4. What resources would you like to see from Trying Together in the future? 

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* 5. Do you have additional comments about Trying Together’s resources?

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* 6. Would you like to receive additional information from Trying Together?

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