Parental Infant Feeding Survey

A Breastfeeding Quality Project is underway in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin (OLCHC). As part of this project, we want to explore your feeding decisions and influences for your baby, your perception of how these decisions were supported and your experience of breastfeeding and/or expressing breast milk for your baby while in OLCHC. Your responses are private, confidential and anonymous. Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

Question Title

* 1. How did you plan to feed your baby before your baby was admitted to OLCHC?

Question Title

* 2. Tick what or who influenced your feeding decision?

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate the following for influencing your decision?

  Very Negatively Negatively Neutral Positively Very Positively Not applicable
Antenatal classes
Media (TV / Internet / Social Media)
Healthcare professionals in Maternity
Healthcare professionals in Community
Healthcare professionals in OLCHC
Voluntary Breastfeeding Support Groups
Don’t know

Question Title

* 7. Who supported your choice of baby feeding while in OLCHC?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the support for your choice of baby feeding while in OLCHC?

  Very Supported Supported Neutral Unsupported Very Unsupported Not applicable
Other Family/Friend
Nursing in OLCHC
Medical Doctor in OLCHC
Surgical Doctor in OLCHC
Others in OLCHC

Question Title

* 10. If the benefits of breastfeeding/breast milk were discussed in OLCHC, who discussed them?

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the Breastfeeding and Expressing Breast Milk Facilities in OLCHC?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable
Breast Pump Equipment
Sterilisation of Equipment
Breast Milk Storage Facilities
Expressing at the bedside
Breastfeeding at the bedside
Breastfeeding Room at ward/unit level
Parents Accommodation
Ronald McDonald House

Question Title

* 13. Where do you prefer to express breast milk while your baby is in OLCHC?

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* 14. Can you suggest how OLCHC can improve the support for mothers breastfeeding and/or expressing breast milk for their sick babies in OLCHC?

Question Title

* 15. Do you have any other comments about this survey?