Windham County Prevention Partnership is requesting that parents and guardians of students in the county complete this survey to help us better understand the opinions and choices of parents and guardians related to marijuana and their child's use of marijuana. 

This survey will take approximately 3 minutes to complete.

It will close on June 20th but please take it now if you have a few minutes so we can have your valuable input! 

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* 1. As of September 2017, what grade is this child or children attending?

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* 2. What is your zipcode?

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* 3. At what age do you think it is OK to use marijuana? (Check one)

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* 4. During the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with your children about marijuana use? (Check one)

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* 5. How often do you know what your child is doing after school? (Check one)

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* 6. How likely is it that your child would be able to access marijuana kept in your home without your knowledge? (Check one)

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* 7. Check the one response in each row that best describes your opinion.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
All teenagers are going to use marijuana; it’s not an issue with me.
Teenagers are going to use marijuana and there’s nothing I can do about it.
It’s OK to allow teenagers to use marijuana occasionally.
It’s OK to allow teenagers to use marijuana at home.
I think underage marijuana use is a problem.
It’s a waste of time to talk to my child about marijuana use because they wouldn’t listen anyway.

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* 8. Do you know parents or guardians who host parties where marijuana is available or served to teens?

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* 9. Do you believe there could be a correlation between youth use of marijuana and later use of prescription drugs?

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* 10. Do you believe the legalization of adult marijuana use will make it harder to prevent your youth from using?

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* 11. What other comments do you have about youth and marijuana use?