1. Data Collection Statement

Your input is vital to the success of this Emergency Plan
The Pappinbarra Valley Emergency Management Team (PVEMT) is a group of volunteer residents of the valley and is a subcommittee of the Pappinbarra Progress Association (PPA). The main purpose for collecting this information is to enhance the ability of the The PVEMT to assist and support Pappinbarra Valley residents and landholders in preparation for, response to, and recovery from any emergency or critical incident.

For example:
  • Bushfire
  • Flood
  • Violent storm
  • Mass medical casualty
  • Search and rescue
  • Hazardous / noxious substance spill
  • Biosecurity emergency
The type of information collected includes (but is not limited to) personal and property information about:
  • Residents living within or owning property within Pappinbarra Valley.
  • The property owned / operated by those residents / landholders.
  • Equipment owned and operated by those residents / landholders.
  • Experience, skills, competencies of those persons and their willingness to assist the PVEMT during times of emergency or critical incident.
  • There are a couple of ‘sensitive information’ questions in regard to basic health and mobility issues about an individual for the sole purpose of providing support or assistance to that person in event of an emergency or critical incident that will, or have potential to, adversely affect that person. No other sensitive information will be requested.
The PVEMT is committed to protecting the privacy of personal and property information it collects, holds and administers. We will comply with State and Federal laws which impose specific obligations when it comes to handling information and will only use or disclose information for the primary purpose for which it was collected or a directly related secondary purpose, e.g. emergency service agencies and government response organisations.

The PVEMT will protect the personal and property information collected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, interference or disclosure by use of various methods including locked storage of paper records and password protected access rights to electronic data storage devices. The data will not be accessible through the internet but held on stand-alone devices when in use.

The PVEMT will be grateful to Pappinbarra Valley residents for completing and lodging the survey with the Team. You are not obliged to complete this survey but the less information we have, the less ability we will have to assist you in the event of any emergency.

Please understand that it is not the intent of the PVEMT to pry into anyone’s business or affairs, but this information may be critical in times of emergency for the safety and security of you, your family and possessions. It will aid the PVEMT in their tasks during response and recovery from a disaster.

We thank you for your support.

Question Title

* 1. What is your main reason for sharing your information with the Emergency Management team?

Question Title

* 2. I have read and I agree to the above Data Collection Statement

10% of survey complete.