Proposed P&F Agenda Item

This form can be used by parents and guardians of St Rita's College students to have an agenda item added to the next P&F meeting, alternatively you can email items to

Proposed Agenda items are to be submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the P&F meeting you wish this item to be discussed. A member of the P&F Committee will be in touch should we require additional information.

*Please note that items to be added to the agenda of the P&F are not to include information of a personal nature in relation to a child or College staff member. See policies available via the College website, for further information.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name (First and Last name)

Question Title

* 2. Best Contact Details eg. Email / Mobile (May be used if we need to contact you for more information)

Question Title

* 3. Your Daughter(s) Year Level(s)

Question Title

* 4. Proposed Agenda Item

Question Title

* 5. Additional Information

Question Title

* 6. What outcome are you seeking?

Question Title

* 7. Will you be in attendance at the next P&F Meeting to join the discussion