The Pagan Interview Project

Challenges in Paganism Study


You are being asked to participate in a study being done by Dr. Chelsea Starr at Eastern New Mexico University designed to explore the challenges that people face due to their practice of neo-paganism. Your responses will be anonymous. There are no risks to your participation. You will be asked about challenges that you face in the social world due to your participation in neo-paganism. The social world includes school, work, and any contact with social service/legal systems.

There are no immediate benefits to you for participating. There is a possible future benefit to the neo-pagan community as the research will increase understanding of the social challenges faced by neo-pagans.

An alternative to a face to face interview would be an email interview. If you would like to do an email interview, or have any questions about the study, please contact:

Dr. Chelsea Starr

Department of Sociology

Eastern New Mexico University



Your participation is voluntary and you are free to stop the interview at any time without penalty.


You will not be identified in any research report by name, nor will the name of your organization be revealed. You will be referred to only in generic terms, for example “A practicing Wiccan”.

The information you give us will be confidential, and no identifying information will be stored with the interview transcript.


Question Title

* 1. How do you self-identify? (Examples: Wiccan, Druid, Neopagan, Heathen, CUUPS etc)

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* 2. What is the biggest challenge for you being pagan in a majority Christian society?

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* 3. Have you ever had issues with friends, family, or neighbors because of your practices or beliefs? Describe.

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* 4. Have you ever had issues with schools, the courts (including divorce court), police, probation, social services or similar entity) because of your practices or beliefs? Describe.

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* 5. Have you ever had issues at work because of your practices or beliefs?

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* 6. If there was one thing that you could tell Christians about your religion, what would it be?

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* 7. Are you “out”? If so, what was that like. If not, what keeps you "in"?

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* 8. What is your gender?

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* 9. What is your age range?

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* 10. With whatever level of detail you are comfortable with, what is your geographical location (example: state name or city)

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* 11. How long have you been practicing your faith?

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* 12. If you have Christian organized religion in your past, what kind?