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* Project Title: The role of barriers to participating in leisure time physical activity in adults with mobility impairments

Investigator: Dr. Byungmo Ku

Purpose: Mobility impairments include but are not limited to amputation, paralysis, cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, and spinal cord injury. Mobility impairments range from lower body impairments, which may require use of canes, walkers, or wheelchairs, to upper body impairments that may include limited or no use of the upper extremities and hands. The purpose of this research study is to examine the role of barriers to participating in physical activity in adults with mobility impairments.

Activities: Participants will be asked to fill out a survey, which consists of XX questions related to your physical activity and barriers.

Time: This survey takes approximately 8 – 10 minutes to complete.

Risks: There are no known risks associated with completing this questionnaire.

Benefits: There are no known benefits to completing this survey. However, it is possible that participants may enjoy thinking about their physical activity supports for their children. 

Confidentiality: All subject information obtained from this research study will be kept confidential.

Payments: No compensation will be offered to participants.

Participant's Right: If you have read this form and have decided to participate in this project, please understand your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. Your individual privacy will be maintained in all published and written data resulting from the study.

If you have questions about your rights as a study participant or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact - anonymously, if you wish - the Chair of the Institutional Research Board (IRB),

The primary researcher conducting this study is Dr. Byungmo Ku. For questions or more information concerning this research, you may contact him at

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* Thank you for your interest in completing our survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated to help gain a better understanding of barriers of physical activity in adults with mobility issues.

Questions have been separated into different categories with separate instructions for each different category. Please carefully read the instructions before starting each section. Please read each question carefully and mark one response for each question and/or sub-question. There are no right or wrong answers. Once again, thank you for your time and contribution.

By checking the box below, you are indicating that you are at least 18 years old and experience a mobility issue.

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* This section is composed of questions regarding your demographic information. 

1. What is your impairment/disability label?

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* 2. What is your age?

15 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. What is your biological sex?

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* 4. What is your highest level of education?

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* 5. What is your race?

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* 6. What is your annual household income?

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* INSTRUCTIONS: I am going to ask you about the time you spent engaging in mild, moderate, and heavy intensity LTPA in the last 7 days. Leisure Time Physical Activity (LTPA) is physical activity that you choose to do during your free time, such as exercising, playing sports, gardening, and taking the dog for a walk (necessary physical activities such as physiotherapy, grocery shopping, pushing/wheeling for transportation are not considered LTPA).

Mild intensity LTPA requires very light physical effort; mild intensity activities make you feel like you are working a little bit, but you can keep doing them for a long time without getting tired . . .

7. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do mild intensity LTPA?

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* 8. On those days, how many minutes did you usually spend doing mild intensity LTPA?

0 180
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* Moderate intensity LTPA requires some physical effort; moderate intensity activities make you feel like you are working somewhat hard, but you can keep doing them for a while without getting tired. . .

9. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate intensity LTPA?

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* 10. On those days, how many minutes did you usually spend doing moderate intensity LTPA?

0 180
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* Heavy intensity LTPA requires a lot of physical effort. Heavy intensity activities make you feel like you are working really hard, almost at your maximum. You cannot do these activities for very long without getting tired. These activities may be exhausting.

11. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do heavy intensity LTPA?

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* 12. On those days, how many minutes did you usually spend doing heavy intensity LTPA?

0 180
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* INSTRUCTIONS: Physical activity barriers are factors or obstacles that can hinder individuals from participating in leisure time physical activity. These barriers can vary among individuals and significantly affect their capacity to sustain an active lifestyle. Please read the following instructions and then respond to the questions.

Thinking over the past 3 months, were there any times when you wanted to participate in physically activity but didn’t or was more difficult because …

13. ‘‘In general when you encounter [intrapersonal barrier], how much of a barrier was [intrapersonal barrier] on a scale from one to five, with one being very small and five being very big?’’

  Not experienced Very small Very big
You get tired or fatigued
You were in pain
You believe physical activity requires too much work/effort/energy
You didn’t have an appropriate fitness level to be physically active (e.g., lack of aerobic ability)
You felt physical discomfort while being physically active
You were afraid of getting injured while being physically active
You were depressed

Question Title

* Thinking over the past 3 months, were there any times when you wanted to participate in physically activity but didn’t or was more difficult because …

14. ‘‘In general when you encounter [interpersonal barrier], how much of a barrier was [interpersonal barrier] on a scale from one to five, with one being very small and five being very big?’’

  Not experienced Very small Very big
You did not have another person with a disability who was physically active to look up to
Your friends didn’t assist you to be physically active
Your friends are not physically active
Your friends don’t talk about being physically active
Your friends were not encouraging or supportive of your efforts to be physically active
Your friend’s priorities take precedence/priority over you being physically active

Question Title

* Thinking over the past 3 months, were there any times when you wanted to participate in physically activity but didn’t or was more difficult because …

15. ‘‘In general when you encounter [organizational barrier], how much of a barrier was [organizational barrier] on a scale from one to five, with one being very small and five being very big?’’

  Not experienced Very small Very big
Fitness center membership fees were too high
Your health insurance plan do not cover membership fees
Lack of inclusive marketing
Lack of accessible classes/programs at fitness center
Other fitness center members were mean or rude
Lack of accessible walking/rolling paths at parks
Lack of assistance from fitness center staff
Lack of accessible sport opportunities at fitness center
Signs showing where things are located were not accessible
Lack of interpretive services (e.g., sign language)

Question Title

* Thinking over the past 3 months, were there any times when you wanted to participate in physically activity but didn’t or was more difficult because …

16. ‘‘In general when you encounter [environmental barrier], how much of a barrier was [environmental barrier] on a scale from one to five, with one being very small and five being very big?’’

  Not experienced Very small Very big
Lack of access to public restrooms
Uneven or crooked sidewalks
The sidewalks have cracks, gaps, or are under construction
Lack of rest areas (e.g., benches)
Potholes in the street, driveways, or parking lot
Sidewalk’s cross slope is too steep/slanted
The crosswalks lack traffic lights
Lack of accessible curb cuts in community
Lack of accessible transportation to fitness center
Sidewalks were not wide enough

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* 17. INSTRUCTIONS: Sometimes we use strategies to help us to be physically active. Please use the following scale to answer the questions below.

  Strongly disagree DIsagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I kept track of my physical activity in a diary or log over the last month
I set short-term (daily or weekly) goals for leisure-time physical activity last month
I made regular plans concerning “when,” “where,” “how,” and “what” kind of physical activity I did last month
I made plans regarding what to do if some-thing interfered with my engaging in physical activity last month
I reserved time in my daily schedule for regular leisure-time physical activity
If I did not reach a physical activity goal last month, I analysed what went wrong

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* 18. INSTRUCTIONS: An intention is a mental state or determination to perform leisure time physical activity. Please use the following scale to answer the questions below.

  Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
I intend to do at least 30 minutes of leisure time physical activity on most days in the forthcoming week.

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* 19. INSTRUCTIONS: An intention is a mental state or determination to perform leisure time physical activity. Please use the following scale to answer the questions below.

  Definitely false Definitely true
I will try to do at least 30 min of leisure time physical activity on most days in the next week
100% of survey complete.