Newcastle Playzones (Walker Park) - 2024

Community Engagement

We are very keen to hear your thoughts on your local area's sports facilities and if a Playzone could improve them.
Playzones are safe, inclusive and accessible outdoor facilities that bring communities together - they are the Football Foundation’s exciting new capital investment programme which aims to engage with local communities to create outstanding facilities. Please watch the video below:
Community Engagement is at the heart of this programme. Facilities will be designed in partnership with local communities to ensure the final design and surface works for the community. Playzones will be available for community use day and night, all year round.
If you are interested in having a Playzone in your area, can you please spare 2 minutes to complete this questionnaire before 31st December 2024. The information captured will be used to help shape the design of Playzones in your area. As a thank you, all respondents who leave an email address will be entered into a prize draw to win 2 tickets for a Newcastle United Stadium Tour.
All data collected in this survey will be held anonymously and securely.
For a copy of Newcastle City Council’s Privacy Policy please use this link:
If you need this information in another language or format, please contact
1.Please confirm your gender(Required.)
2.What is your age group ?(Required.)
3.What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)(Required.)
4.Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person ?(Required.)
5.Do you consider yourself to have a long-term health condition ?(Required.)
6.Which of the following categories best describes your employment status ?(Required.)
7.Please enter your postcode(Required.)
8.What could be done to make your neighbourhood a healthier place to live in ?(Required.)
9.What do you think of the current sports and play facilities in your area ?(Required.)
10.Would you consider yourself to be physically active ?
11.If you answered Yes to Q10 - which activities do you participate in ?
12.If you answered No to Q10 - what is preventing you from being active ?
13.Which activities would you like to do (please tick all that interest you) ?
14.Which days/times are best suited to your participation ?
15.What duration would you like ? 
16.Up to what amount would you be willing to pay ?
17.How would you prefer to book activities ? 
18.What level of activity are you interested in (e.g. fun, casual, beginners, organised fitness, competitive )?
19.What would make you feel more comfortable ? (Please select any)
20.Walker Park has been identified as a potential location for a Playzone facility - do you think this is a suitable choice ?
21.How would you travel to the Playzone ? 
22.Would you be interested in volunteering at the new Playzone ?
23.If you are interested in winning a Newcastle United Stadium Tour please leave an email address and you will be entered into a prize draw. If under 18 please leave an email address for a parent / carer.