
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the report!

If you are a child or young person, you might want to fill in this version of the survey instead.

Question Title

* 1. How much have the stories in this report increased your understanding of children’s lived experiences of their rights?

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* 2. How much do you think the ideas in this report will help you put children’s rights into practice?

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* 3. What was the most impactful story or idea for you?

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* 4. What is one thing that you feel motivated to do after reading this report?

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* 5. What will you do to share the ideas in this report with others?

(This could include things like sharing the report with family, friends, colleagues, children and young people; or putting ideas from the report into practice in your professional or personal life.)

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* 6. Is there any other feedback and/or ideas you’d like to share?