As you know, we have had to temporarily suspend out Sunday coffee and doughnut socials due to lack of volunteers. I present this survey to find out if the desire is strong enough to re-start them. 

If the results of this survey are strong enough, I will send another survey seeking people to identify themselves as volunteers. 

In corde Iesu,
Fr. Smith

Question Title

* 1. Should the parish continue the Sunday socials with coffee and doughnuts?

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* 2. It has been proposed that the duty of cleaning up after the Sunday social rotate so that each family does this task once or twice a year. Do you agree?

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* 3. Now that we have use of the building next door (also called "the parish center") with its parking spaces near the courtyard of the church, would it be a good idea to allocate parking each week for those organizing the socials?

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* 4. I am somewhat competent with technology and would be willing to coordinate all of the volunteers for the Sunday socials.