Successful applicants of the Community Funding Program must report how it was spent and its impact. Reports must be submitted to the Municipality by December 15 of the same year for which the funding is awarded.

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* 1. Organization Information

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* 2. Select the Community Priorities that apply to your funding request. Check all that apply.

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* 3. Briefly describe how you used the funds.

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* 4. Overall, how successful were you in achieving your goals for the funding?

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* 5. How close did you come to meeting your original two performance measures?

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* 6. Please estimate the dollar value of other funding you received AND if you were able to leverage other funding/resources as a result of the Municipality’s contributions.

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* 7. Please estimate the dollar value of other in-kind contributions you received AND if you were able to leverage other contributions as a result of the Municipality’s contributions.

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* 8. Please provide the number of volunteers contributing to the activities supported by this funding:

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* 9. Please provide the number of volunteer hours contributed to the activities supported by this funding:

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* 10. Please share a story that shows the impact that the funding has had in the community. (Please do not include any personal information that may identify an individual or family.)