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Rate yourself on the following:
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral/sometimes,  4 = agree  5 = strongly agree

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* 1. In a crisis situation, I can remain calm and focus on taking useful actions.

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* 2. I'm usually optimistic. I see difficulties as temporary and expect to overcome them.

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* 3. I can tolerate high levels of uncertainty about situations.

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* 4. I adapt quickly to new developments. I'm good at bouncing back from difficulties.

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* 5. I'm playful. I find humor in rough situations and can laugh at myself.

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* 6. I'm able to recover emotionally from losses and setbacks. Feelings of anger, loss and discouragement don't last long

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* 7. I feel self-confident, appreciate myself, and have a healthy concept of who I am.

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* 8. I like to try new ways of doing things.

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* 9. I learn valuable lessons from my experiences and from the experiences  of others.

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* 10. I'm good at solving problems. I can be analytical and also creative.

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* 11. I'm consider myself flexible.

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* 12. I'm more effective when I'm free to do what I think is best in each situation.

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* 13. I "read" people well and trust my intuition.

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* 14. I'm a good listener. I have good empathy skills.

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* 15. I'm non-judgmental. I can adapt to people's different personality styles.

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* 16. I'm very durable. I hold up well during tough times. 

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* 17. I've been made stronger and better by difficult experiences.

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* 18. I've converted misfortune into good luck and found benefits in bad experiences.

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