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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Explain the difference between goods and services.

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* 3. Goods in their natural state, for example wood

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* 4. Goods that have been changed from their natural state by production, for example a wooden table

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* 5. Goods that we use every day, for example, knives, forks and plates

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* 6. Goods we can live without such as sports cars.

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* 7. Goods that do not last like food.

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* 8. Goods that last a long time such as furniture.

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* 9. Goods we use to produce products or provide a service, for example machinery or a washing machine in a laundry.

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* 10. Services that we need every day such as waste removal, public transport and electricity.

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* 11. Services that we do not really need to function but are nice to have, for example a garden service.

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* 12. The links between needs and goods, and needs and services, create opportunities for businesses to start up. As businesses develop, and consumers support these businesses, an economy is created.

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* 13. Differentiate between producers and consumers.

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* 14. Includes all the factories and home industries that use raw materials to produce finished goods, such as furniture, jewellery, machinery, baked goods, and so on.

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* 15. Many businesses produce services to meet the needs of consumers, such as financial advice.

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* 16. A farmer could grow grapes and use these to produce wine.

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* 17. Define an economist.

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* 18. Define households.

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* 19. Households also produce goods and services for their own consumption.

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* 20. Washing dishes is a form of household production

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* 21. State one fact about pine trees.

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* 22. Why is wasteful use of resources bad? Explain in detail.

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* 23. What is recycling? Explain in five sentences.

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* 24. What is reusing? Explain in one sentence.

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* 25. Are you a member of the Wowos Club

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* 26. If not a member, do you want to join the Wowos club?

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* 27. If you want to be a member of Wowos Club, please provide your cellphone number