Abingdon Fire Company Fundraising Events Feedback

1.Would you attend a Bull and Shrimp Roast in 2025 if held by Abingdon Fire Company?
2.If Abingdon Fire Company held a Bull and Shrimp Roast, what time of year would you like to see it held?
3.If you were to attend a Bull and Shrimp Roast held by Abingdon Fire Company, What day of the week would you attend?
4.If you were to attend a Bull and Shrimp Roast hosted by Abingdon Fire Company, how far of a distance would you be willing to travel?
5.If you were to attend a Bull and Shrimp Roast hosted by Abingdon Fire Company, what reasonable price range would you be willing to pay for the ticket?
6.If Abingdon Fire Company hosted a Bull and Shrimp Roast, what menu items would increase your interest in attending?
7.If Abingdon Fire Company, held a Bull and Shrimp Roast, what other options would interest more in attending the event? (Select all that may apply)