The Texas Collaborative Conservation Network (TCCN) matches companies and funders with conservation projects to positively impact Texas’ natural resources. We are accepting survey submissions of projects within the Texas Hill Country. 

If you have projects, programs, or initiatives that need funding and can articulate the ecosystem benefits, please complete the survey below - please complete a separate survey submission for each project, program, and/or initiative. 

You can complete the online survey or download and fill out this document - please email a completed copy in Google Doc or Word Doc format to

Once you complete the survey, Texan by Nature will score your submission and will work with you to create a project funding proposal that will be utilized to identify funders.

Survey responses will be accepted on an ongoing basis in 2024.
As you submit projects, keep the following tips in mind:
  • Numbers talk: Quantify benefits as much as possible. For example, acres of land impacted, gallons of water conserved, measurement of air quality improvement, and population served.
  • Keep it simple: Translate funding to benefits. Where the total funding request is large, break it down. For example, “A $100,000 investment would conserve 3 million gallons of water per year” or, “a $100,000 investment in year one, would fund conversion of 200 acres to regenerative agricultural methods”.
  • People matter: Where possible, describe how and how many community members are impacted, emphasizing underserved communities where applicable.
  • Less is more: Try to keep your summary to one page. When companies are reviewing lots of projects, it helps to convey information as clearly and concisely as possible (like a resume).
  • Round numbers stick better: For a high-level project funding overview, use round numbers. For example, say “$106,500” instead of “$106,471.30” or “51 acres” instead of “51.37 acres”. Use precise numbers in scientific publications and funding reports.
Through TCCN you will gain exposure to many organizations from the conservation and business space across Texas, and they will gain awareness about your work! Please note that completing the TCCN survey does not guarantee funding. If a company is interested in learning more about your project and/or funding your project, we will reach out to you for questions, set up a meeting, and/or make an email introduction. Texan by Nature’s role is to facilitate the project matching process so we can accelerate funding and conservation efforts. If a company does choose to fund your project through TCCN, there will be a suggested transaction fee (paid by the project funder).

Question Title

* 1. Main point of contact name:

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* 2. Main point of contact email:

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* 3. Organization name:

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* 4. Please select your organization classification:

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* 5. Please provide the name of the project or program that is in need of support:

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* 6. Please provide a brief description of the project/program you are seeking funding for:

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* 7. What is the geographic area that is positively impacted by the project/program? Please be as specific as you can by describing project/program area boundaries.

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* 8. If you have a map shapefile for your project/program that you can share, please upload it or email it to

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. Please indicate your project/program focus area(s). Check all that apply:

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* 10. When is or what was the project/program start date?


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* 11. Please outline your current project/program phase:

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* 12. Please outline the total number of people benefitting, population served, and/or people involved and that are positively impacted by the project/program:

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* 13. If project partners with or supports underserved populations, please separately quantify those numbers:

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* 14. If project/program impacts the land, what amount of land area is positively impacted by the project/program? 

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* 15. If the program/project benefits water resources, how much is conserved or replenished by the project through conservation, restoration, infrastructure, etc.?
Volumetric water benefits (VMWB) are the volume of water resulting from water stewardship actions that modify water flow in a beneficial way and/or reduce shared water challenges. Accounting of VMWB helps corporate water stewards to have a standardized approach to quantify and communicate the benefit of volumetric water benefits. (Learn more)

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* 16. If the program/project improves waterways, what length of waterways is improved/protected by your project/program?

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* 17. If the project/program delivers carbon benefit through implementing new procedures, technology, or any other conservation action, please indicate the amount expected, metric used and describe the means through which that will be achieved (new technology, reforestation, brush management, etc.):

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* 18. If the project/program delivers air quality benefit, please indicate the amount expected, metric used and methodology:

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* 19. If the project/program positively impacts biodiversity, please describe what benefit will be provided, to which species, and through what means:

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* 20. Please describe the timeframe for initial benefits to be realized:

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* 21. What is the duration of benefits that the project/program provides?

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* 22. Can/has the project/program acted as a model and/or has/be replicated or expanded?

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* 23. Does the project/program have collaborative opportunities available for additional partners (conservation/business)?

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* 24. If you didn't articulate impact metrics for the above questions, please describe why:
i.e. don't have dedicated staff, don't have the tools or methodologies available, etc.

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* 25. When is funding needed to continue or complete the project/program?

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* 26. What is the total amount of funding needed to start or continue the project/program? If possible, please send a project budget to 

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* 27. Please provide the full project/program implementation cost to generate the given benefits.  For example: "for our given project a $100k investment generates 50 acre-feet volume benefit per year”

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* 28. Does your project/program require multiple donors in order to satisfy funding/grant requirements (i.e. matching, etc.)

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* 29. If funding has been used for the project/program, what results/metrics have been achieved to date?

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* 30. For the project/program, are there any milestone dates or interim check-points for metrics, progress, etc.?

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* 31. Are there any communication/marketing requirements for your organization if a project/program gets funded?

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* 32. Is there anything else you would like to share?

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* 33. There is no cost to conservation organizations to join TCCN as a member. Those who join the collaborative are joining the conversation and expressing an interest in achieving the goals of TCCN. If you would like to be added to a publicly facing members list, please email your logo in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format to 

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 34. If your organization is interested in connecting with Texan by Nature to learn more about other opportunities to participate in conservation/collaboration outside of TCCN, please let us know.