To be completed by all candidates for open AIA Minnesota leadership positions.
Note: you will not be able to save this application form. We recommend you type all responses in a word processing software and copy and paste into the appropriate fields.

Question Title

* 1. Position Desired for 2025:
Members of AIA Minnesota in good standing who are AIA, Assoc. AIA, or FAIA are eligible for the following open positions, except as noted

Question Title

* 2. Candidate Information:

Question Title

* 3. State your gender:

Question Title

* 4. State your race/ethnicity:

Question Title

* 5. Why do you want to serve in this leadership role for AIA Minnesota?

Question Title

* 6. What leadership experience would you draw upon in serving in this position?

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* 7. How have you been engaged with AIA (local, state, or national)?

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* 8. What would you bring to AIA Minnesota’s efforts to further AIA’s top two priorities — climate action and addressing systemic racial injustice?

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* 9. As the organization, members, and the architecture and design profession continue to move forward, what should the leadership of AIA Minnesota keep in mind as we continue to serve members and plan for the future?

Question Title

* 10. Email your resume to or use the comment field below to provide information in the following categories:
  • Education/Licensure/Certifications (Note: licensure is not required for AIA Minnesota leadership positions)
  • Work History
  • Honors/Awards
  • Civic/Community Service

AIA Minnesota Nominating Committee
(Note: Committee Members should not be lobbied by candidates or individuals advocating on behalf of a candidate):
  • Sam Olbekson, AIA - AIA Minnesota Past President, Chair
  • Amy Kalar, AIA – AIA Minnesota President
  • Jennifer Christiaansen, AIA – AIA Minnesota President-Elect
  • Dagmara Larsen, AIA - AIA Minneapolis President
  • Kevin Holm, AIA - AIA Northern Minnesota
  • Dantès Ha, AIA - AIA St. Paul
Thank you for your interest in serving on the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors!
Following the September deadline for applications, the Nominating Committee will work to determine its recommended slate of candidates. The selection process may include individual interviews with the Nominating Committee. If a high number of applications are received for a particular position, the Committee may narrow down the candidates to be interviewed based on the qualifications demonstrated in the written applications. Interviews will be scheduled as needed, watch for an email from Amber Allardyce to schedule.

The Nominating Committee will present a slate for consideration by the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors at its October meeting. The slate approved by the Board of Directors will be communicated to the membership and voted on at the Annual Meeting in November 2024. Successful candidates will assume office on January 1, 2025.