Copy of The City of Hanford and Community Development

City of Hanford Housing and Development Survey

The City of Hanford, California is significantly impacting its community's housing environment by updating its Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and Analysis for the Impediments of Fair Housing. These policies affect housing reforms and the allocation of federal funds to ensure the housing environment is improved and maintained. Through this program, Logan is attempting to lend a helping hand to many of its citizens who experienced house instability brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic. But we need the help of everyday citizens. Our platform provides an easy way to get involved in the political process and make a lasting impact.
We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in this critical research effort. Your survey responses will remain anonymous and should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You may stop the survey anytime without losing any benefits otherwise afforded to you. If you have questions about the survey or study, please contact Chrysalis Research & Consulting at The City of Hanford would appreciate your response by the middle of March.

1.Please select the ZIP Code where you live.
2.Which is your age group?
3.What is your total household income?  

4.Number of persons living in your household?
5.In which field(s) are you employed? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
6.What is your race/ethnicity?
7.Is a language other than English spoken regularly in your household?
8.Does anyone in your household have a disability?
9.What is your current housing status?
10.Do you currently live in public housing or receive Section 8 rental assistance?
11.How satisfied are you with where you currently live?
12.Which of the following are important considerations to you in choosing a place to live? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
13.Is bus service available in your neighborhood?
14.Please check any difficulties that you have related to transportation. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
15.For each type of housing, please check whether you think more is needed in Hanford.
No Need
Low Need
Medium Need
High Need
Housing for people with disabilities
Housing that people with lower incomes can afford
Housing for Seniors
Housing that accepts Section 8 vouchers
16.Thinking about public resources in Hanford, please check whether you feel each of the following are equally provided in all parts of the city.
Equally provided
Not equally provided
I don't know
Bus Services
Police protection
Fire protection
Code enforcement
Garbage collection
17.Please complete the Community Needs Matrix below by rating the need level for each of the following items.
Senior Centers
Youth Centers
Child Care Centers
Park& Rec. Facilities 
Health Care Facilities 
Fire Stations & Equipment
Drainage Improvement 
Water/Sewer Improvement 
Street Lighting 
Sidewalk Improvement 
Signage Improvement
Businesses & Jobs
Start Up Business Help
Small Business Loans
Job Creation/Retention
Employment Training
Commercial Facade Improvements
Business Mentoring
Community Services
Senior Activities
Youth Activities
Child Care Services
Transportation Services
Anti-Crime Programs
Health Services
Mental Health Services
Legal Services
Special Needs Services
Centers/Services for Disabled
Accessibility Improvements
Domestic Violence Services
Substances Abuse Services
Homeless Shelter Services
HIV/AIDS Services
Neglected/Abused Children Services
Neighborhood Services
Tree Planting
Trash & Debris Removal
Graffiti Removal
Code Enforcement
Parking Facilities
Cleanup of abandoned Lots & Buildings
18.Do you understand your fair housing rights
19.Do you know where to file a housing discrimination complaint?
20.Since living in Hanford, have you experienced housing discrimination?

 (The following actions are examples of housing discrimination if they are based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, whether you have children, or whether you have a disability: refusing to rent or sell housing, refusing to discuss the rental or sale of housing, denying that housing is available for rent or sale when it is, setting different rental or sale terms, or providing different housing or housing services.)
21.If you answered YES to question 19, who discriminated against you? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
22. If you answered YES to question 19, on what basis do you believe you were discriminated against? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
23.If you answered YES to question 19, did you file a report of that discrimination?
24.If you answered YES to question 19, but you did not file a report, why didn’t you file? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
25.Do you think housing discrimination is an issue in Hanford?
26.Do you think any of the following are barriers to fair housing in Hanford? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
27.Please use the space below to provide any additional information about housing choice and fair housing in Hanford.

Thank you for your participation!
Current Progress,
0 of 27 answered