Energy Marketers of America's IRS Approved E-file Software Survey
Does your company use IRS approved e-file software to file IRS Forms 8849, 720 and 2290?
Does your company use EMA's exclusive member service agreement with ThinkTrade which is an IRS authorized e-filing service provider and a BBB accredited company with an A+ rating? ThinkTrade grants EMA's member companies a 15 percent discount off ThinkTrade's e-filing services to prepare, file and pay federal excise tax returns for IRS Forms 720, 8849 and 2290.
Yes - we use ThinkTrade
No - we do not use ThinkTrade, but we have or are considering using ThinkTrade
No - we do not use and we are not considering using ThinkTrade
If no, what are the reasons why? Check all that apply
Didn’t know about it
File with Paper Forms
Faster returns and cash flow are not issues for my company
Satisfied with current e-file software provider
Other (please specify)
If no to question 2, which IRS e-file service company do you use?
How much does it cost to e-file per year?
How quickly did you receive IRS e-file refunds?
More than 6 months
Less than 6 months
Less than 4 months
Less than 2 months
Other (please specify)
In which EMA region is your business located?
Northeast (includes Mid-Atlantic states)
Southeast (includes Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana)
Central (includes Oklahoma and Missouri)
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered