2025 Application for Process Improvement for Regulators – A Training Practitioner Certificate Experience

1.First Name:
2.Last Name:
4.Agency/Organization: (No Abbreviations)
5.Email Address:
6.Mailing Address: (for course materials)
7.Phone number:
8.How long at current title?
9.Has your supervisor approved you to attend this course?
10.Supervisor Name:
11.Supervisor Email Address:
12.Supervisor Phone Number:
13.Have you taken an instructor skills or similar type training? 
14.If yes, what training(s) have you attended?
15.Have you had a facilitation role in a Process Improvement project?
16.If yes, please describe the project(s).
17.Do you have any experience with Lean, Six Sigma, or other quality improvement models?
18.If yes, please indicate your experience.
19.Are there projects your agency is currently working on or looking at that could benefit from you attending this Process Improvement Course?
20.If yes, please list them. 
21.Does your computer have microphone and camera capabilities?