1. Snotel Weather Stations

This is a short survey to prioritize Snotel weather station sites in Prince William Sound.

Over the past 7 years, the Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC), the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS), and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) have supported eight weather stations in the Sound. They are designed to enhance meteorological data available to a variety of users including mariners, researchers, aviators, oil spill responders and the weather service. Set up in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), these snowpack telemetry (SNOTEL) stations measure wind speed and direction, air temperature, air pressure, and precipitation from snow and rain throughout the year. Four of the eight stations also have webcams which are maintained through a separate agreement.

Below is a map of the stations. Real time data can be accessed through the AOOS website (http://data.aoos.org).

AOOS doesn’t have funding to support all of these long term, and OSRI’s mission cannot justify continued maintainance of all eight stations. Unless additional funds are located before 2012, we will likely have to shut down two or more of the eight stations.

In order to identify additional funding, or prioritize the stations in the event of a funding shortfall, please fill out the survey below. It will take less about 5 minutes.

Question Title

Existing Snotel Station in Prince William Sound

Existing Snotel Station in Prince William Sound