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* 1. Do you like the idea of a sustainable, equitable, local food system by making healthy food available to everyone, increasing urban agriculture, creating more farmer’s markets, and reducing hunger, obesity and diet-related diseases?

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* 2. What would you like more in your community?

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* 3. What is the best way to make healthy food available?

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* 4. What prevents you from eating healthy?

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* 5. Where do you get your fresh fruits and vegetables?

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* 6. What transportation do you use to get food?

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* 7. How often do you go to the store to buy food?

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* 8. What is the main problem in getting fresh/healthy foods?

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* 9. Do you buy fresh fruits and vegetables with SNAP?

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* 10. How do you reduce food waste?

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* 11. Would you like to get updates on our progress and local food events?