ICF Foundation 2024 Call for Applications:
Deadline August 16th, 2024

The ICF Foundation is seeking applications for the 2024 Ignite Initiative Program from ICF Chapters and organizations interested in accelerating social impact within their communities. Ignite projects are six months coaching engagements. ICF Foundation's special focus is on Sustainable Development Goals number 5, 13, and 16.

Question Title


We, the ICF Foundation Ignite Project, agree to work with the ICF Foundation Ignite: Engaging Coaching for Humanity and the Planet on a pro bono project by participating in the Ignite Initiative.

By signing your project up for participation with Ignite: Engaging Coaching for Humanity and the Planet, your ICF Group/organization is agreeing to follow the criteria listed below:

Designate an Ignite Project Manager

We agree to assign an Ignite Project Manager to act as the point of contact with the ICF Foundation through the full term of the Ignite Initiative. This Project Manager will act as a liaison between the project and ICF Foundation, sharing information, data, and best practices.

Adhere to Ignite Measurement and Data Collection

The chapter/partner agrees to collect the data required for measurement as outlined by the ICF Foundation. We understand that this will include, but not be limited to, participant demographics, degree of change for major competencies, and perceived impact of coaching on the leader and organization.

Selection of Ignite Partner

The chapter agrees to involve a partner that will align with at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals. The partnership will “help the helpers,” coaching leaders, managers & beneficiaries of nonprofits and NGOs to meet the challenges they face and move social impact forward.

Coaching Criteria

The Ignite Initiative requires that each coaching client receives 6 (Six) to 10 (Ten) coaching sessions for six (6) months. One goal of the program is to provide the partner organization an experience that will act as a catalyst to adopt professional coaching for their organization. Project Managers should recruit Associate Certified Coaches (ACC), Professional Certified Coaches (PCC) and Master Certified Coaches (MCC) to provide reduced rate coaching for the Ignite Initiative.


ICF Chapter, Member, and ICF Credential-holder coaches are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving in the Ignite Initiative, including information involving a single staff, volunteer, client, or other person as well as overall Foundation business. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the ICF Chapter, ICF Credential Member or ICF Group relationship with the organization.

Copyright/Ownership Issues

The ICF Foundation Ignite Project hereby grants non-exclusive permission to the ICF Foundation for use of any materials produced for the Ignite Initiative, including graphic materials, web page designs, narratives, research, compilations, instructional texts, etc., to become the property of the Ignite Initiative upon submission. Projects will receive credit on the ICF Foundation website for these and other contributions.


The ICF Foundation Ignite Project agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the ICF Foundation, its officers, trustees and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, and/or damages, losses and liabilities arising directly or indirectly out of or cause by the group’s use of the ICF Ignite name, logo or mark in a manner inconsistent with or in violation of this agreement, the ICF Chapter, ICF Credentialed Member or ICF Group requirements issued to the Ignite Initiative, or Limited License to use marks and logos of the ICF Foundation Ignite Initiative.

*I agree to Ignite project's Terms & Conditions*

Question Title

* 2. Chapter / Group/ Organisation Name:

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* 3. Region

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* 4. Name of Project Manager (main point of contact)

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* 5. Project Manager Location

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* 6. Project Manager Email

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* 7. Additional Point of Contact

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* 8. Additional Point of Contact Email

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* 9. Partner Organization

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* 10. Website

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* 11. Primary Contact

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* 12. Primary Contact Email

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* 13. Mission

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* 14. What are the goals to be accomplished through this coaching program?

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* 15. 2024 Ignite partner organisation

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* 16. Number of Coaching Clients

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* 17. Number of ICF Credentialed Coaches

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* 18. Number of coaching hours per Coaching client?

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* 19. UN Sustainable Development Goals addressed:

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* 20. Does the Ignite project/s conflict/ dissolve any current/pending contract agreements for coaching services?