Parent Survey - BGCA After-School Programs

Parent/Caregiver Survey

This survey is an opportunity for you to help this after school program by sharing your opinions about it. Your opinions are important, and we are interested in hearing them. Answer all the questions based on your experiences at this center only. No one can tell who filled out this survey. Your answers will be completely private and unknown to others. Your answers will be combined with those of other parents. This survey is voluntary. You do NOT have to answer any question if you do not want to, but we hope you will answer as many questions as you can.
1.I know what goes on while my child is at the after-school program.
2.The staff keeps me informed about my child’s day at the afterschool program.
3.I have a good idea of how my child is doing in the program.
4.I am aware of my child’s daily schedule.
5.I am satisfied with the amount of communication I receive from the after-school program staff.
6.The after-school program supports my child’s academic progress.
7.Overall, I am satisfied with my interactions with program staff.
8.I am aware of my child’s social progress.
9.In general, the program meets the individual needs of my child(ren).
10.I am satisfied with the program/center.
11.My child has benefited from the after-school program.
12.The overall atmosphere of the after-school center is welcoming.
13.Sending my child to the after-school program is a good value for my family.
14.The overall after school program
15.The safety of your child while s/he is at the afterschool program.
16.The snacks that are served to your child at the afterschool program.
17.The hours of operation.
18.The variety of academic and enrichment activities for students (e.g., service-learning, career and technical programs, STEM, financial literacy, etc).
19.The parent/family programming offered (e.g. family night, computer classes, GED classes, family literacy, and related education development).
20.The number of adult staff available to work with students.
21.The manner in which staff interact with students.
23.My child has a more positive attitude/behavior towards school (e.g. wants to go to school, finishes homework on time, etc.).
24.My child has demonstrated fewer behavior problems.
25.My child is better able to get along with other children.
26.My child’s grades at school have improved.
27.My child has become interested in new areas (e.g., different cultures, sports, technology, ).
28.My child has gained greater insight into him/herself and his/her future goals.
29.My child has become more cooperative with adults.
30.I have participated in program activities designed specifically for parents.
31.The programs designed specifically for parents are worthwhile.
32.I would recommend the parent activities to others.
33.I wish the after-school center offered more programs directed specifically at parents.
34.Are there any areas of the after-school program that you believe could improve?
35.What do you like best about the after-school program?
36.How would you rate your child's after-school program in the following areas?
37.In your opinion, what has been the most positive result of your child's participation in the after-school program this year?