Please take our survey to let us know what you think! PVTA wants to improve public transportation available to the community. This survey does not ask you for any information that could be used to identify you. For more information, please contact RLS & Associates at (937) 299-5007.

Question Title

* 1. What county do you live in?

Question Title

* 2. What is the primary way you travel?

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* 3. Do you, or does a friend or family member, use PVTA for transportation?

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* 4. During what hours of the day do you most often need transportation but do not have a ride? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 5. What days of the week do you most often need transportation but do not have a ride? (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. Do you have difficulty getting the transportation you need to any of the following types of destinations?

  No difficulty Sometimes difficult Frequently difficult Always difficult Not applicable to me
Your place of work
Medical offices, clinics or hospitals
Mental health care
Dental care
Shopping (i.e. grocery, other)
Human service agencies or government offices
Recreational or social outings
Other trip purposes

Question Title

* 7. Do you often need to travel to destinations outside of the PVTA service area (Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, and Pendleton Counties) for work, medical care, shopping, or other reasons?

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* 8. Which other communities/states do you most often need to travel?

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* 9. How likely would you be to use public transportation if it were available where you live and need to go, and it was affordable?

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* 10. What is your age group?

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* 11. Do you or a member of your household have a disability that requires you/them to use a cane, walker, wheelchair, and/or another device to help you get around?

Question Title

* 12. How helpful do you feel the following types of public transportation service are to your community?

  Not helpful Somewhat helpful Very helpful Unsure
A service in which I call PVTA at least one day in advance, and a vehicle picks me up to take me where I need to go
A service in which I call PVTA, and a vehicle picks me up within 30 minutes to take me where I need to go
A regular bus route within my town or county that operates on a schedule, in which I walk or get a ride to the bus stop
A regular bus route that takes me to places that are further away such as Virginia or Maryland

Question Title

* 13. Do you have any other feedback or comments about public transportation?

100% of survey complete.