Each year the National Skills Commission undertakes labour market research that forms the basis of its Skills Priority List (SPL). The NSC have determined that there is no shortage and a soft to moderate demand across all the trade based roles and occupations in our industry.
The SPL informs government thinking around skilled migration and VET, among other things. The results of the SPL flow directly into the creation of the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List
(AAPL), which determines the level of government prioritisation, support and incentives for apprentices and their employers. Over the last couple of years the NSC modelling and outcomes of the SPL has resulted in our industry apprenticeships being moved off the AAPL.
The PVCA is highly critical of the erroneous methodology behind the Skills Priority List. Identifying skills demands based on internet job vacancies, and without industry consultation or input is ultimately flawed. This approach has resulted in skewed data and results for our industry. The approach taken in the SPL, is unedifying and results in preferential treatment towards certain skills and occupations.
Therefore, we are seeking member and industry feedback via this survey to advocate our industry’s actual position to overcome the NSC’s erroneous methodologies and outcomes. We would greatly appreciate if members can provide answers to the following questions for that purpose.