Thank you for your interest in this study!

PLEASE NOTE: This is the entire survey, if you qualify, we will just call to book you so please take the time to complete this! There may also be follow-up round to increase the amount you can earn over $595.

Question Title

* 1. The purpose of the study is to collect blood pressure data to help develop ways to measure cardiovascular health. The study includes an online 3 hour virtual session followed by an “at-home” data collection period lasting 30 to 45 days.

Should you qualify, you will be scheduled for a virtual screening session to understand your current health. If the screening confirms your eligibility for the study, you will continue to a virtual enrollment and training session followed by the at-home data collection. If you do not qualify after the initial screening session, you will be paid a monetary incentive for your time.

Depending on if you qualify and how many portions of the study you complete, the total incentive is between $100 to $595.

Should you qualify, are you still interested in participating in this research?

Question Title

* 2. Contact Info

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* 3. What is your date of birth? (MM/DD/YYYY)

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* 4. Do you have access to private Wi-Fi at home?

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* 5. Do you live in the United States?

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* 6. Do you meet the following conditions?
a. Have a US social security number and
b. Able to receive compensation from as US entity?


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* 7. We are interested in recruiting people with a variety of interests. What type of hobbies do you have? Please select from the list below:

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* 8. What do you do for a living? What company do you work for? If not currently working, please indicate previous employment.