Exit this survey Planetsave Reader Survey Question Title Question Title * 1. What issues are you most interested in seeing Planetsave cover? (Pick up to 3 options) Environmental/Global Warming Activism Environmental/Climate Science Environmental/Global Warming Politics (the good, the bad, & the ugly) Green Living (news & original posts) Clean Energy News (i.e. solar, wind, etc.) Animals (i.e. animal activism, funny & cutes pictures/videos, endangered species news, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Are you more interested in having us write... about current news. completely original pieces disconnected from the news cycle. Other Comments? Question Title * 3. How would you most like us to cover the topics above? More posts, less depth (but link to sources with more depth) More depth, fewer posts Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. IDEALLY (in a perfect world), how many posts would you like us to publish a day? 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-13 14+ Question Title * 5. For interesting & useful stories we see but don't cover, do you prefer we: link to them in daily round-up posts? link to them in weekly round-up posts? ignore them and just focus on creating "single-story" content? Other Comments? Question Title * 6. Where did you first find out about Planetsave? a Google (or other search engine) search? StumbleUpon? Facebook? Twitter? an RSS share? Digg? Reddit? LinkedIn? Reuters? another Important Media blog? another non-Important Media blog? an email? .. forget? Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How long have you been a Planetsave reader? (this does not influence the importance of your answers at all) less than 1 month 1-2 months 2-3 months 3-5 months 5-7 months 7 months to a year 1-2 years more than 2 years Question Title * 8. Are you a 'green professional'? Yes No Question Title * 9. Any more comments for us? (Optional) Done