PUSD Survey: Potential Options to Address Enrollment in Northern Pleasanton

The Pleasanton Unified School District invites community members to learn about current and projected student enrollment in Pleasanton and provide input on options to address enrollment in North Pleasanton; including increasing the enrollment capacity of existing campuses, additional elementary school capacity, school boundary adjustments, and the use of K-8 school configurations.

Please take a moment to review the information below regarding our current discussions. Thank you for providing your input! 
Where are we in the process? 

January 2018  
▪ Staff received direction from the Board regarding the creation of the Facilities Master Plan

March 2018 
▪ Staff presented Facilities Master Plan for information which included elementary ed specs and school size recommendations

April 2018 
▪ 3rd Facilities Study Session - Tuesday, April 10th
       ◦ Considered programmatic possibilities

May 16 & 23, 2018
▪ Community meetings

Funding Available through Measure I1 
$35M designated for a new school ($1 M in Series A and $34 M in future Bond issuance)
           Keep it saved for a single school?
                     Move forward with Neal?
                     Move forward with property elsewhere?
           Use the $35M to address capacity
                    Add classrooms in current configurations
                    Modify configurations (K-8 model)
           Elect to not sell the related $34 million bonds
Student Enrollment Projections
At the March 13, 2018 Board Meeting, Davis Demographics presented the Fall 2017/18 Demographic Study for the Pleasanton Unified School District.

Davis Demographics also prepared and shared the “Seven Year Demographic Study using Student
Population Projections by Residence”. This comprehensive report includes information about the

1. Methodology
2. PlannedResidentialDevelopment
3. AttendanceMatrices
4. DistrictWideStudentProjections
5. Elementary, Middle and High School Attendance Area Projections

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As we look to potential options, the District is looking for feedback to:
Limit student overflow from neighborhood schools
Consider guidelines for recommended school size
Address anticipated enrollment growth (Demographer’s Report)  
From our Board workshops held earlier this year, we received the following feedback from community members: 

- Why can’t we just adjust boundaries?
- If Donlon is going to be a larger school, why can’t we keep it a K-5?
- Why can’t we just build a new school?
- Are there academic benefits to a K-8 model?
- Why can’t we make Lydiksen bigger?

We presented the following potential solutions for discussion with the community during two meetings on May 16 and 23 (with the understanding the NO decision has been made): 

- Adjust current elementary and middle school boundaries
- Increase capacity of Donlon Elementary to 1,200 students
- Increase capacity of Hart Middle School to 1,400 students
- Build a new elementary school in North Pleasanton
- Transition two current schools to serve grades K-8
The Board of Trustees and District are committed to having an open dialogue with the community around facilities and the future of our schools. Thank you in advance for providing input on potential benefits and hurdles that would need to be overcome to pursue the following options: 

- Adjusting School Boundaries 
- Increasing enrollment capacity within existing school configurations 
- Building a new elementary school 
- Utilizing a K-8 school configuration