Question Title

* 1. What park do you most commonly visit?

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* 2. How satisfied are you with the experience at your favorite park?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with the cleanliness and maintenance of the park?

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* 4. I feel very safe in the park. (please consider factors such as lighting, security and surveillance, vandalism, graffiti, noise levels, etc.)

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* 5. This park meets my expectations (please consider factors such as seating availability, waste disposal, parking, signage, amenities, etc.)

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* 6. I would recommend this park to others.

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* 7. What amenity would you like to see in this park?

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* 8. This park adequately reflects diversity, serves different age groups and individuals with disabilities.

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* 9. What other parks do you visit throughout the Louisville area?

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* 10. What is your age?

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* 11. What is your zip code?

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* 12. With which race or ethnicity do you most closely identify?

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* 13. What is your household income?

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* 14. I would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at Louisville Parks and Recreation. 

Question Title

* 15. Sign up for Common Ground, our bi-weekly newsletter by entering your e-mail address below.