PTO Buy-Back for Transactions to be Processed in NOV 2024 (Deadline for Submission is 12/31/2023)


You should keep a copy of: 

(a) your detailed election request (i.e., the amount of hours that you have selected), and
(b) your actual submission acknowledgement page.

To achieve this... 

(a) After you have finished completing your form (but before "submitting it"), simply use your internet browser's print function to print the page which includes the details of the number of PTO hours that you are electing for buy-back.  You will be reminded of this again on the page immediately before entering the amounts and on the election page itself.  

Because of the volume of PTO buy-back submissions received each year, when it comes time next year, neither HR nor Payroll can efficiently respond to employees’ requests asking to verify their amount elected (i.e., during the previous year) prior to actually processing the transactions in November 2024.  Additionally, the final verification and reconciliation of the requests will not be validated until very close to when Payroll actually processes the requests.  As such, there is nothing that can be accurately provided to recipients until the actual PTO buy-back is processed. That is why you should keep screenshots of the amount you have elected this year, so that you will remember what was chosen, when next year rolls around.

(b) DO NOT end your computer session until you have "submitted" the form and reached the "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAGE" indicating that NRHS has received your submission.  When you reach the acknowledgement page, you will be given the opportunity to use your internet browser's print function to print the acknowledgment page, verifying that the form has been received by NRHS.

If something goes wrong during the submission, or you later change you mind and wish to submit a different amount... simply start the process over again from the beginning.  The last submission received will be the one to be processed next year.

Thank you.