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Clay County is updating its Land Development Code (LDC). The LDC includes zoning regulations, which regulate the type and scale of development in each zoning district, and subdivision regulations, which control the development process. Your feedback will inform the LDC update.  

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* 1. What best describes your status in Clay County (Select all that apply)?

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* 2. Where in Clay County do you live?

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* 3. In your experience, how effective has Clay County been at limiting land use conflicts?

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* 4. Land use regulations are intended to support individual property owners’ right to develop while managing the impacts of development to the County as a whole. What degree of land use regulation should there be in Clay County overall?

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* 5. Setback requirements control the distance between proposed development and existing development, property lines, roads, water bodies, and environmentally sensitive areas, etc. Should the land development code include setback requirements?

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* 6. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

  a) Strongly agree   b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree
The Land Development Code should prioritize the protection of natural resources (e.g., forests, wetlands, water bodies).
The Land Development Code should prioritize the protection of agricultural land.
The Land Development Code should facilitate the development of renewable energy facilities (e.g., wind, solar).
The Land Development Code should facilitate the development of industrial uses (e.g., resource extraction or manufacturing). 
The Land Development Code should facilitate the development of commercial businesses.
The Land Development Code should facilitate the development of residential communities.
The Land Development Code should promote the development of recreational areas (parks, trails, etc.).

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* 7. Are there any specific concerns or issues related to land use in Clay County that you would like to highlight? (Open-ended response)

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* 8. Would you be interested in participating in future public meetings or workshops to discuss the land use ordinance further?

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