Women Who Have Not Had Children
What is your age range?
What would you say most accurately describes the reason why you don’t have children?
I’m not interested in having children
I wanted marriage/committed partner first, and that didn’t/hasn’t happened
I’m waiting to be better established (financially, career, life)
I have reproductive challenges
Other (please specify)
(For those who said they were not interested) What would you say most accurately describes the reason why you are not interested in having children?
This does not apply to me
I don’t like children
The world is too messed up
I’d rather focus on my career/hobbies
I prefer a more flexible lifestyle
Other (please specify)
Are you still considering having children in the future?
Nope. Biologically, the shop is closed.
Nope. Not interested.
Yes, absolutely.
Yes, if I meet the right person.
Yes, if I feel like it’s something I need to do down the road.
If you are still considering it, how would you best describe your attitude about it?
I am not considering it
I’m open to it, but not set on it if life unfolds another way
I’m only interested if it’s with a spouse/partner
I’m determined to become a mother and will do whatever it takes
How would you describe your feelings about not having children?
I feel just fine. My life is full.
Mostly okay, but sometimes I feel sad.
I regret not having them.
It’s devastating. Like I missed out on something I would have loved.
I feel like everything is on track and it will happen when/if it’s supposed to.
Would you consider having a child on your own?
Yes, totally.
Maybe, although it’s not how I’d prefer to do it.
No. Not interested in going it alone.
Do you have nieces and nephews? If so, how would you describe your relationship with them?
I don’t have nieces or nephews.
They are my world.
I keep in touch and we get together when we can.
I see them at family occasions and send birthday cards.
When you found out you were going to be an aunt, did you have a preference on the gender?
I was hoping for a niece
I was hoping for a nephew
I really honestly did not have a preference
When people make comments that assume you will have children someday (or when people may have made these comments to you in the past), how does/did it make you feel?
Hopeful, as I very much want children.
Annoyed, as they are assuming I even want children.
Sad, because they don’t know what I’ve been through on my quest to have children.
Confused and shamed, because I don’t actually want them and this seems culturally atypical
These kinds of comments don't affect me. People can say whatever they want.
What is your reaction to the statistic that 85% of women in the United States will have a child at some point in their lives?
Makes sense to me. Seems like everyone has children.
I thought there would be more than 85% of women who have children.
I thought there would be less than 85% of women who have children.
I don’t have a reaction. It is what it is.
If you end up as part of the 15% who never have a child, or are past childbearing age and are part of this group already, what is/would be your attitude about it?
It’s a bummer, but it wasn’t meant to be.
It’s a choice I am making that makes the most sense for my life.
I’ll never feel truly fulfilled. There’s something missing.
There are other ways to have maternal influence over children.
Look at all the cool-ass stuff I was able to do because I didn’t have that responsibility.
What is your reaction to those who say that you’ll never truly understand or know love until you become a parent?
I agree with them
I see what they mean, but I don’t think it’s really fair to say that.
I strongly disagree with them
If not having children was a decision you consciously made at some point in your past, do you now regret not having them?
Not applicable (It wasn’t my choice to not have them)
Is there anything in particular that people say to you regarding having children (or your lack of them) that you particularly like or don’t like?