Pathways to Employment Success Program Feedback

The Pathways to Employment Success (PtES) program creates opportunities for youth to participate in engaging activities and conversations that provides employment exploration and preparation. 

To continue to deliver a quality program we need to hear from you!   Please take a few moments to share your feedback.

If you have any questions, please contact Karla Russell at:

Thank you!
1.What is your zip code?
2.Please share a little about yourself. 

I am a _________________________.
3.Our Job Skills Institute is designed to prepare students with worksite knowledge, resources, skills, and habits needed to increase their confidence and competitive advantage when entering the job market.

Which of the following Job Skills Institute workshops would you, or a student you know, find beneficial?  (check all that apply)
4.Our Pathways Exploration organizes interactive opportunities for youth.

Which of the following Pathways Exploration events would be beneficial for you, or a student you know, to attend? (check all that apply)
5.* NEW:  Our Pathways Path Finder is an on-line portal that will allow students to connect with relevant volunteer opportunities, job shadowing experiences, internships, apprenticeships, local jobs for teens, a network of career coaches/mentors, and many other employment exploration resources.  This resource will be be made available for teens in the fall of 2021.  

Would you, or a student you know, use this employment exploration tool?
6.We are working on an engaging and interactive Future Workforce Leadership workshop to be held each school year for teens throughout the Valley. 
The goal of this event is to help students increase their employability skills, identify leadership skills, and to gain an understanding of how these skills are crucial in any field and position in the workforce.

Would this half day event be beneficial for you, or a student you know, to attend?
7.For Students:  What industries would you like to learn more about?  (check all that apply)
8.For Students:  Any specific companies or careers you would like to learn more about?
9.Do you have any additional questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the offerings of the Pathways to Employment Success program?
10.If you would like to connect directly with the program coordinator or to learn more about the program and how you can be involved as a student, professional or organization, please provide your contact information here:
Current Progress,
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