13th Annual Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Conference

Prevent Suicide Wisconsin, Wisconsin's statewide public private partnership for suicide prevention administered by Mental Health America of Wisconsin, and the Conference Planning Committee are accepting presentation proposals for the 2023 Prevent Suicide Wisconsin (PSW) Conference: Holding Space, which will take place as an online event Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, 2023.

EXTENDED Session Proposal Deadline: Friday, February 3, 2023
Notification emails will be sent on or before: Friday, February 24, 2023

Proposals that demonstrate evidence-based or promising practices, enhance practical skills, support recovery, and energize people are invited to apply. All proposals should demonstrate adherence to appropriate language and messaging around suicide and suicide prevention. See resources on messaging here: https://www.preventsuicidewi.org/prevention-messaging. If including Wisconsin suicide data, presentations should use data from the state suicide prevention plan or other WI and national sources: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p02657.pdf. 

Selection will be based on the following criteria:
1. Presenter qualifications and responsiveness,
2. promotion of evidence-based information/best practices,
3. integration of the experiences of communities at high/disproportionate risk of suicide (Specific Racial and Ethnic Groups, LGBTQ+ Youth, Military Service Members and Veterans, Men in the Middle years, Rural/Farm populations, etc.), and
4. the direct inclusion of presenters with lived experience of suicide loss, attempts, and/or thoughts (Note: lack of presenters with lived experience will not disqualify proposal).

All proposals must be submitted online using the survey below. Please email Cara at cara@mhawisconsin.org with any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Presentation Title

Question Title

* 2. If selected to present, do you have a preference for day? To the extent that we are able, we will try to build the agenda with presenter preferences in mind.

Question Title

* 3. Please choose the track with which your presentation aligns. Conference participants may choose a track that aligns with their work or experience.

Question Title

* 4. Given the virtual format of the conference, we want to ensure attendees can engage with the content (as opposed to just watching a presentation). What tools will you use to encourage participant engagement? You may choose more than one.

Question Title

* 5. For which audience is your presentation content best suited?

Question Title

* 6. Please identify three learning objectives. These are specific things individuals will have learned by the end of the session: e.g., "participants will be able to understand/learn/describe/name concrete strategies/etc."

Question Title

* 7. Please provide a BRIEF abstract of the presentation as you would like it to appear on the conference website and any promotional materials (max. 250 words). The next question will ask for a detailed description.

Question Title

* 8. Please provide a detailed description of the presentation. This is for submission of your proposal to NASW-WI (National Association of Social Workers-Wisconsin Chapter) to seek approval for Continuing Education Hours and not for the PSW website/conference participants.

Question Title

* 9. Lead Presenter:

Question Title

* 10. Please provide a BRIEF bio (Max. 250 words).

Please list name, title, role, and bio for co-presenters (if any).

Question Title

* 11. Presenter 2:

Question Title

* 12. Presenter 2 bio (max. 250 words):

Question Title

* 13. Presenter 3:

Question Title

* 14. Presenter 3 bio (max. 250 words):

Question Title

* 15. Have you presented this or a similar presentation at other events (including at a prior PSW conference)?

Question Title

* 16. If you have presented this or a similar presentation at other events, please upload your slides here. Presentation slides will need to be submitted to MHA 4-6 weeks before the conference to be considered for Continuing Education Hours.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 17. Please provide name and contact information (phone and/or email) for 2-3 references who have seen you present or who could speak to the content you would be presenting: