This evaluation is aimed at gathering feedback on PSO's Workforce Plan and assisting Powering Skills Organisation's shape its future agenda and priorities. You will have the opportunity to comment on the published work plan, outline key workforce challenges, communicate your stakeholders' views and provide an overall endorsement. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

This page collects demographic information so we can understand where you are coming from.

The second page identifies which aspects of the workforce plan will be useful to your organisation and seeks contributions to assist in guiding Powering Skills Organisation's priorities over the next 18 months.

The final page offers an option to attach any supporting documentation, to assist us with future research and outputs.

Powering Skills Organisation ensures personal information is kept safe and complies with requirements of the Privacy Act, including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), in managing personal information (clause 9.14). Powering Skills Organisation will not send, and ensures that any subcontractors or cloud infrastructure contractors do not send, any Personal Information outside Australia without the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations prior written approval (clause 9.14(b)). Powering Skills Organisation also ensures that Commonwealth confidential information held by the JSC is not transferred or stored outside of Australia (clause 9.15(d)(i)). The SurveyMonkey Privacy Notice provides detail on collection of personal data and notes that information and data may be processed in and transferred or disclosed in the United States and countries in which their affiliates are located and in which their service providers are located or have servers.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following details:

Question Title

* 2. Please identify the type of organisation you are representing

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* 3. Please identify the type of organisation you are representing

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* 5. Please select the state or territory in which your organisation operates (select all which apply).

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* 6. Please identify the geographical regions in which your organisation operates (select all which apply).