We Want to Feature Your Recipe!

We want to share your recipe to give everyone inspiration for their next meals, appetizers, desserts, etc. We want it to come from you - our Kosmos Q family! 

Photo Tips: 
- Photos should be well-lit and unprocessed (no flash, no filters, no additional text on top).
- Photos should be horizontal 
- Photos should be in focus with no blur or background distraction 
- The best way to get a good photo of your cook is to move the final product outside or to an empty table with good lightning and to stand above the cook or to place the phone table level and take a horizontal shot.

- Instructions should be clear, calling for specific amounts of ingredients and a step-by-step process.
- We already have enough brisket recipes. Think outside the box! Bonus points if you adapt our products to recipes that you’ve made for years. Additional bonus points if you can make it in an oven, stove, or air fryer – some of our readers might not have a Traeger.
- If your recipe does not currently contain a Kosmos Q product but could be altered to, please include that in the ingredients with *could be used*.

- If your recipe is selected to be published, you will receive an email. Even if you are not chosen, every person who submits a recipe will receive a 10% off coupon code.

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information:

Question Title

* 2. Social Media Username:

Question Title

* 3. Recipe Title:

Question Title

* 4. What is the story behind your Holiday recipe? (Ex: How long has it been in your family? Who created this recipe) 

Question Title

* 5. Ingredients (List amounts as well):

Question Title

* 6. Instructions (Be as detailed as possible with the steps):

Question Title

* 7. Any Extra Helpful Tips:

Question Title

* 8. Please upload your Photo. 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

Question Title

* 9. By submitting your recipe, you acknowledge and grant an irrevocable license to KosmosQ to utilize, publish and disclose the information and content submitted to Kosmos Q with your recipe. You further acknowledge and irrevocably agree that KosmosQ may utilize the content on any of its platforms, websites, videos, social media, and in any other media or forum as KosmosQ may determine, for whatever purpose or purposes KosmosQ may elect, including the right to edit or alter any of the information and content. The rights granted to Kosmos Q constitute an irrevocable license and you waive and release any right to seek or claim any compensation or other remuneration as a result thereof.