Parent Survey

SPARK Early Childhood Collaboration’s mission is to empower our diverse families and children to attain full success in learning and life by ensuring that all of Aurora’s young children have equal access to exemplary Early Childhood Care and Education.

We are seeking input from Aurora parents of young children (birth to five years old) to help us ensure that families have access to a variety of resources and quality early childhood experiences to support their young children.

This survey is voluntary and all information you provide will be kept private. It should take you 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The information you provide will be used to evaluate, improve, and add services to meet the needs of Aurora families such as yourself!

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. How many children do you have?

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* 3. What are the ages of your children? (check all that apply)

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* 4. What is your highest level of education

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* 5. What county do you live in?

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* 6. What is your zip code?

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* 7. What school district do you live in?

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* 8. What is your annual household income

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* 9. What languages do you speak at home (Check all that apply)

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* 10. For the following list, please respond to whether or not you know about the resource and if you have used it:

  Do not know about the resource Know about the resource & did not use it Know about the resource & used it
Home Visitation Programs (Parents As Teachers, Healthy Families, Nurse Family Partnership)
Library Services (story time, library card, programs)
Faith-based or religious programs
ESL or language services
Employment or Trade Classes
ExceleRate Illinois 
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Head Start/ Early Head Start 
Half-day Preschool Program
Full-day Preschool Program
Medical Services (pediatrician, clinic) 
Mental Health/Counseling Services 
Housing Assistance 
Food Assistance (SNAP, WIC, Food Pantry)
Income Assistance (TANF,  SSI)
Early Intervention

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* 11. Were there any challenges or barriers to accessing any of these resources?

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* 12. Have you ever used the following services?

  Yes No
Center-Based Child Care
Licensed Family Child Care
Friend or Relative Child Care
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Early Intervention
Preschool/Early Childhood Program
Head Start Programming
Home-Visiting Programs

Question Title

* 13. Please rate how important the following factors are to you when choosing a child care or educational setting

  Not at all important Not very important Neutral  Somewhat important Very important
Hour of operation
Languages spoken by staff
Respect for my culture
Overall quality

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* 14. For the following, please choose the response that best shows how you feel: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly Agree
I know what developmental screenings are and why they are used in early childhood
I have had a developmental screening at my child's doctors office 
I know what is expected of my child to begin kindergarten
I know what is expected of my to help my child be successful in Kindergarten
I know which school my child will be attending
I know how to talk with the teachers at the school about my child's learning and other needs
I have talked with the teachers of my child's current school

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* 15. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten is highest) how comfortable and trusting do you feel with your children's educational service provider?

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* 16. Within the past 12 months, my family was worried whether our food would run out

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* 17. What does "kindergarten readiness" mean to you?

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* 18. Aurora has seen that not all kids in the community are ready for kindergarten. Why do you think some kids in Aurora are not "strong, prepared and ready for kindergarten'?

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* 19. How often do you do the following activities with your child?

  Never Once a week Several times a week Every day
Tell or read a story
Have your child help with laundry (folding,  sorting, putting laundry into different baskets. etc.)
Help learn numbers, words or letters
Sing songs
Paint or do artwork
Play outside or exercise
Play games or puzzles

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* 20. If you would like to be added to our monthly newsletter list and get any SPARK news or updates right in your inbox fill out the form below.

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* 21. What are your favorite fun activities to do with your child?