Registration Form - Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Training of Trainers

Thank you for your interest and your registration should not take more than 5 minutes.

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* 1. Contact information:

Knowledge, Understanding, and Experience of PSEAH:

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* 2. How would you describe your level of knowledge regarding PSEAH?

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* 3. Have you received any previous training in this area? Please mention what training it was and provide links if possible.

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* 4. Have you had practical experience or responsibilities with PSEAH in your current or previous position? If so, please provide a brief overview without mentioning SEAH case details.

Training and Facilitation Skills

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* 5. Do you possess training and facilitation skills? If yes, please elaborate on your experience and any relevant qualifications.

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* 6. Have you conducted training sessions or facilitated discussions before (including on topics unrelated to PSEAH)? Please share details.

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* 7. Have you conducted training sessions or facilitated discussions on PSEAH before?  Please share details.

Role within the Organization and Ability to Influence Internal Policies and Systems (Safeguarding-related)

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* 8. What is your current role within your organization, and how does it relate to safeguarding and PSEAH?

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* 9. Can you provide examples of instances where you have influenced internal policies or systems related to safeguarding within your organization (including previous training around PSEAH)?

Organizational PSEAH Training/Knowledge Needs

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* 10. Knowing that this survey is confidential, in your opinion, what are the specific PSEAH training needs within your organization?

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* 11. How would you assess the current level of PSEAH knowledge across different levels of staff within your organization, and are there specific areas that need further attention?

Each selected participant will be required to sign a commitment to deliver a minimum of one additional training session within their own country, for the benefit of their organization or network. The participant will receive basic training materials and technical support.

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* 12. Who will be the target audience for your follow-up training? What do you consider to be the key points that should be highlighted in this training session?

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* 13. Please provide priority topics and issues that you would like to see discussed in upcoming training of trainers on PSEAH.

Please complete Modules 1-3 of the Safeguarding Matters course on the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub. Once finished, please send us the certificate. This course is offered in multiple languages and can be completed in an hour.

Event registration: personal information and media consent.

When you register to our event, you provide us with personal information, such as your name, email address, organisation’s name and country of residence. This information serves the  purpose of event registration, monitoring and evaluation, event related communications and necessary logistical arrangements. 

By completing this form you confirm your understanding of how your personal information will be utilised in alignment with our Privacy Policy

Participating in ICVA events implies your consent to ICVA’s utilisation and dissemination of your image or voice captured in event  photographs, videos and audio recording along with their associated activities. For any inquiries regarding the usage of your images, please feel free to approach an ICVA staff member present at the event.