• English
  • Čeština

1. Introduction

WAVE ‘Workforce Addiction - Valorisation in Europe is a project co-funded by the EU Justice Programme, aimed at strengthening the capacity of professionals working in prevention, treatment, social integration, and harm reduction for alcohol and other drug use, as well as addictive behaviors like gambling and problematic internet use. We work on quality standards for training and workplace conditions that enable these professionals to perform at their best in their jobs and safeguard their wellbeing and mental health.
We invite you to share your experience by completing this survey that gathers information from individuals over 18 years old working in the field of addictions in the Czech Republic, regarding their professional profile and current working conditions.
If you choose to participate, you’ll have the opportunity to enter a draw to win a conference attendance bursary covering registration, travel, and accommodation for the 2024 Lisbon Addictions Conference.

Your survey responses will be kept anonymous in all cases.

The survey is divided into the following sections:
1. Introduction (this page)
2. Data protection information
3. Sociodemographic data
4. Worker profile
5. Workplace conditions and infrastructures
6. Worker experience and wellbeing
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17% of survey complete.