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Informed Consent

Psychology Department
1101 West College Avenue
Jacksonville, Illinois 62650-2212
217.245.3000 |

Dear Potential Participant,

My research team and I are currently conducting a research project for Advanced Research Methods and Statistics at Illinois College. Our study involves testing the effects of eating habits on mood. We would like your permission to participate in this study involving a few short questionnaires online pertaining to this topic.

Please be advised that all information gathered in this study will be kept completely anonymous. Also, please note that your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and that you may choose not to have your data included in the study at any point. Furthermore, you may choose not to answer any of the questions listed for any reason.
Those recovering from an eating disorder or who experience any discomfort concerning the topic of food, are strongly advised against taking this survey due to the triggering effects it may have. However, participants that experience discomfort around food and decide to take the survey are advised to take extreme caution while answering questions regarding food consumption and are asked to stop the survey immediately if they feel triggered at any point during the survey and get help from one of the online resources or hotlines listed at the end of the survey.

If you have any questions or would like further information about this project, please contact one of the student researchers,,,, or contact our professor Dr. T. Caitlin Vasquez-O'Brien via email at:, or by calling her at 217.245.3426.

If you agree to participate in this survey, please type “I consent” in the text box below. Thank you in advance for your participation and willingness to help us investigate this topic.

McKenzie Motley
Jillian Powell
Gianna Hines
Nancy Cisneros
Student Researchers
Illinois College

I give my consent to participate in this study involving the completion of a survey that should take no longer than 15 minutes regarding my fruit and vegetable intake and subjective happiness. I give consent to Jillian Powell, McKenzie Motley, Gianna Hines, and Nancy Cisneros, students currently enrolled in the Advanced Research Methods and Statistics course at Illinois College, to use my anonymous data in researching this topic.

I understand that my participation in this study is completely voluntary. I also understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time during or after the experiment.

Question Title

* 1. I consent to the procedure set forth.(Please type "I consent" in the box provided)

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