CGMA Offboarding Survey

1.Which position are you offboarding from CGMA?
2.What type of Rep Site were you assigned to?
3.Was this the first time you served as a CGMA Representative?
4.Did you receive any training or preparation from your predecessor when you assumed the role?
5.Did you feel you had enough knowledge about CGMA to be an effective Rep?
6.Did you assist in the CGMA Annual Campaign process?
7.How long did you serve as a Representative?
8.What source(s) did you use when you needed help with CGMA duties? (select all that apply)
9.What was the most difficult part of being a Representative / Asst Representative?
10.Would you be willing to serve again in the future as a CGMA Representative?
11.Did you transfer duties to your replacement in-person?
12.Did you provide CGMA orientation and training to your replacement?
13.Did you have routine access to Command Cadre?
14.As a CGMA Representative or Assistant Representative, did you provide frequent updates to the command to keep them informed on CGMA assistance to the Rep Site and how it helped members?
15.On average, how many assistance cases did you handle each month?
16.As a CGMA Representative or Assistant Representative, did you encourage members to start allotments for CGMA?
17.Did you complete the initial Onboarding Checklist?
18.Did you complete the CGMA Representative Training modules and lessons?
19.Did you find the training helpful for your CGMA role and responsibilities?
20.What additional training topics do you feel are needed for CGMA Representative and Assistant Representative duties?
21.Do have any recommendations on how to improve CGMA processes to make it easier to administer loans and grants?